Chancellor, Pennsylvania State University Berks
Lives in Reading
What do wish others knew about living in Greater Reading that you’ve discovered? I am always interested in regions where there is a commitment to community engagement. I found in Greater Reading people, businesses, and organizations who give their time, talent, and resources to address the issues impacting our community. There is also a commitment to collaborate to make the community stronger for everyone.
Anything you wished you knew sooner about the area? I came to Greater Reading in the middle of COVID, so it was difficult to visit or experience a lot of what the region has to offer.
Tell us your favorite thing about living and/or working in Greater Reading. I love the farmer’s markets. It helps with my mission of healthy eating.
Why did you choose to move here and stay? I moved from Michigan to Pennsylvania to be the chancellor of Penn State University Berks. What attracted me to Berks is its passion for being a learning centered college. I wanted to be at a college that cared not only about the students but is also an active community member. I have stayed because at Berks, I get to participate with organizations that are working to educate, address social and economic issues, and assist Greater Reading in retaining and recruiting talent.
What is your favorite, local restaurant? Franklyn’s Breakfast Burgers and Shakes. They have great food, and the staff is very welcoming.